Our friend, the Horse,
is known to be always under pressure to perform better, give high results
and to regain energy rapidly. It is therefore fundamental to apply correct
management of nutritional factors. It is known that the horse devotes one
third of its day-time in feeding and digestion. In order to assist the horse
in this delicate function, our Company UVL SpA has created Zimoferment feed
additive for Horses. It is an innovative product reseached and developed
by the Zootechnical Division of UVL SpA. It is formulated for the purpose
of improving the effeciency of the horse through correct management of feed
and nutrition in-take. The function of Zimoferment is based on the action
of some PROBIOTICS obtained from particular and specific inocules cultivated
in Broth culture which is exclusive and safeguarded by Manufacturing Patent.
The result is a highly technological product capable of activating and
strengthening the processes of metabolism. The uniqueness of Zimoferment
is found in its multeplicity and exclusive variety of PROBIOTICS present
in the base product-composition. Some of these cary out specific actions
to strengthen metabolism, others act all along the gastro-intestinal tract.
ZIMOFERMENT is activated with the FIRST SALIVA SECRETIONS and continues its
action in the intestine and gut. ZIMOFERMENT stimulates the organism to breakdown
and absorb nutrient substances, improving digestibility and assimilation.
The long-lasting action of ZIMOFERMENT keeps fermentation activities in balance
by adjustment and compensation of eventual un-balances, making horses more
resistant to stresses due to intensive activities. The results obtained in
performance and efficency can be summarized as follows:
The high biological value of the proteins and amino acids found in Zimoferment
protect the liver though bioactivation of the function of the organ.
Improvement by increasing the efficiency of the digestive system and regulating
fermentation disorders: colic reduction.
This is due to stronger physical force expressed by the athlete Horse and
increased capabilities of energy-regain as a result of the intimate Zimoferment
additive CARNITINE-METABOLISM of the horse.
Evidence of this is in the animals resistance to diseases and the
activation of immunity responses. Exceptional foot-health due to the high
effeciency of Zimoferment Biotin-Hoof.
This is the result of the supression of subclinical diseases and
stress-reducing properties of the preparation. Life expectancy of
the animal is also improved.